I've listened to several audio books without taking the time to post. This time of year is always hectic for me and 2011 has been particularly busy. Some of it in a good way - the tour of homes fundraiser for which I chair ticket sales was a great success but that meant fielding even more requests for me so it sucked my entire November into a hurricane of charge slips and check deposits. The bad way was Youngest getting hurt in basketball requiring two weeks on crutches and a flurry of appointments for x-rays and orthopedics and physical therapy all with a miserable little boy whose armpits hurt and his goood leg hurt and everything hurt because crutches are not nearly as easy as they look! So here's a quick summary of my listens for posterity's sake!
Queen of Broken Hearts by Cassandra King I feel like the wicked witch when I say this but she just doesn't do it for me. I enjoyed bits and pieces of this one but not enough to say I liked it. My biggest regret with this one was that I didn't think to save it for my 2012 Q book!
Strangers in Death by JD Robb I've listened to one other in this series and didn't really care for it but this one sucked me in. I liked all the characters, even the bad ones, and even though we know "whodunit", I enjoyed Eve's unraveling of the crime.
Gone by Johnathan Kellerman Good but not great detective story.
Last Man Standing by David Baldacci Solid Baldacci, his are consistently good listens for me except when he veers off into the romantic (Christmas Train).
Your Heart Belongs to Me by Dean Koontz I was expecting better. I thought Dean Koontz would be really scary, this wasn't. And I thought it would suck me right in and it didn't. Took two dics before it got interesting, I perservered only because it was audio, a print version would have been set aside.
These all count for these challenges:
1 comment:
Sorry to hear about your son! I hope he's better now.
Dean Koontz has always been hit or miss for me.
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