I picked this one for my T book to wrap up the A-Z Reading Challenge because I knew it would be fast and easy and I hoped it would be good. After disappointment with my last two MHC (here) and (here), I was so glad that this one was entertaining, I was actually a little bit scared at one point! There were characters that you knew were in on the kidnapping from the beginning and you got to see how evil they were and ooh and ahh about just how bad they could get. But then there was the mystery character the "Pied Piper" and it wasn't until the end that this character was revealed and it was actually a question for me until the very end. Satisfaction.
This book counts for these challenges:

I haven't read any of her work in a while, but usually find it entertaining. Glad you enjoyed this one.
I used to read Mary Higgins Clark a lot, but haven't in the past few years. Sounds like it may be time to try her again.
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