From Goodreads:
One sparkling summer day, Jill Abramson brought home a nine-week-old golden retriever named Scout. Over the following year, as she and her husband raised their adorable new puppy, Abramson wrote a hugely popular column for The New York Times's website about the joys and challenges of training this rambunctious addition to their family. Dog-lovers from across the country inundated her with e-mails and letters, and the photos they sent in of their own dogs became the most visited photo album on the Times's site in 2009. Now Abramson has gone far beyond the material in her column and written a detailed and deeply personal account of Scout's first year. Part memoir, part manual, part investigative report, The Puppy Diaries continues Abramson's intrepid reporting on all things canine.
I really wanted to like this one. It was an ARC through the Library Thing Early Reviewer program that I had requested becsue it sounded sweet and Scout's puppy picture on the cover is too cute for words. But it just didn't capture me. The way that Jill told the tale just didn't give me the warm fuzzies, it was too accurate/clinical feeling. It may have been better in small doses as she reported in her column rather than all at once in book format. The ARC packet included tow pages of photos and they were as "awww"inspiring as I had hoped the book would be - Scout is one cute dog!

I read this book for the
Library Thing Early Reviewers program.
It also counts for some of my other challenges....
1 comment:
Too bad. I'd want emotion in a book like that. The cover is adorable, though.
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