On the bottom is I'm Black and I'm Proud wished the White Girl, it's by a local author about her experience growing up in small town south in the sixties as a child in a multi-racial family. She's white but identified more with the black community and felt more accepted there as well. It's been very interesting so far.
Next is The Butterfly's Daughter by Mary Alice Monroe. I won this one from the Goodreads First Reads program and am enjoying it thus far.
On the Road by Jack Kerouac is one I couldn't get through on audio so have decided to try the print and see if that is better for me. I'll be honest, I'm not laying any money down on it. I find that the books that appeal to intellectual males, tend not to appeal to me. (Broom of the System comes right to mind)
Finally on top is an audio I came across in a thrift shop, Strangers in Death by JD Robb. She has written approximately a kazillion of these "in Death" books and I have read exactly one, Memory in Death. It's not something I would sit down and read (too many more preferred books in my TBR pile) but it will pass the time in the car!
This same picture was on my March nightstand post! I've made zero progress towards picking out reading an "L" book for the A-Z Reading Challenge so that is still on my "to-do" list! Hopefully I won't be saying that again in June or July!
I'm not a big Kerouac fan either. Hope the audio version helps!
Very interesting list!
I really enjoyed the Lace Reader though it was admittedly a bit of a crazy book! I also have Little Bee sitting around waiting for me to read it, among all the other books! Happy reading!
I'm Black and I'm Proud, Wished the White Girl sounds interesting. I'll have to add it to my reading list.
Les Miserables would be an excellent L book!
I am not familar with any of these though I have heard of Kerouac -- though he doesn't sound like he'd appeal to me, either.
Interesting list! I don't think I've heard of any of them.
Happy reading!
Oh, I love J.D. Robb - much more satisfying than most chick lit!
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