I have not had a mailbox post up since November! Does that mean no books have come? No, but it does mean that life got derailed and it has taken me three months to regroup!
Without further ado (or whining) here is what I have recently received...
At the bottom is FINALLY something other than John Adams, yes, after a mere twelve months, I finished that one! Now we have Book of Fires which was a win from reviews by lola.
On top of that is the Facebook Historical Fiction book club selection for February, The French Mistress.
Next in line for the U.S. President's Reading Project is Thomas Jefferson so that's a biography of him by Bernstein (the main attraction to this particular one over all the other possibilities was brevity).
And topping it all off is an audiobook that I won from Nely at all about N, Cleaving, it's the sequel to Julia and Julia and I am happy to have the chance to listen to it - I'm told it is darker than her first book which is fine with me, I do dark.
Just an FYI, tomorrow I'll get my review up for The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie but then on Wednesday, I plan to put up a giveaway post. The publisher of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living the Catholic Faith contacted me after I read it last month and said I could give a few away. So if you are Catholic, or have a friend you might gift it to, please come visit Wednesday or until the end of the month to enter to win.
Nice mailbox. I'll be interested to see your review of Cleaving.
I am glad you got The Book of Fires. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Great mailbox. These all sound good and are new to me titles except for Cleaving. Enjoy them all!
These are some great looking books. Curious about Cleaving. (I have The Book of Fires to Read).
The French Mistress sounds really good. I hope you enjoy all your new reads.
I won the Cleaving from Nely too! Haven't gotten to it yet but I am looking forward to it!
My Monday Mailbox is here
Nice list. They sound like good books. Enjoy!
Thanks for mentioning the facebook club, I just joined! I won The Book of Fires from Passages to the Past. I haven't received it yet but I'm looking forward to it!
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