From Goodreads:
There is rarely a dull moment in the life of Precious Ramotswe, and on Zebra Drive and Tlokweng Road many changes are afoot. Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni wants be put in charge of a case involving an errant husband, and Mma Makutsi is considering leaving the agency, taking her near perfect score on the Botswana Secretarial College typing exam with her. Meanwhile, Mma Ramotswe has been asked to investigate a series of unexpected deaths at the hospital in Mochudi. Along the way, she encounters other tricky mysteries, and once again displays her undying love for Botswana, a country of which she is justly proud.
Finishing this series is going smooth and quick thus far. This one was good, just like the last few. To keep my enjoyment level high, I figure I will need to take a break before they get stale. Maybe just one more before I go on a self-imposed Ladies Detective Agency sabbatical!

I am trying to reach 100 books this year - I've never done it before although I have come very close, click on the logo to see how I am doing for this year!

Click on the logo to see my progress towards the
2012 A to Z Reading Challenge hosted by
Strawberry Splash Reviews.

The Finishing the Series Challenge is hosted by Yvonne on a dedicated blog
here. Click on the logo to see my progress.
1 comment:
Good luck with your goal! I need to get back to that series.
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