Audiobook are you currently reading/you read most recently: I have The American in my work car and Larry Wilmore's I'd Rather We Got Casinos in my personal car. Impressions?: Neither of these books is knocking me over.
How long you’ve been listening to audiobooks: It's been about eighteen months that I have been addicted.
First audiobook you ever listened to: Not sure about the first one I ever listened to, but the first one I blogged about was David Sedaris When You Are Engulfed in Flames.
Favorite audiobook title: Hmmm... I think that is Friday's post topic so here's the spoiler - Paint It Black by Janet Fitch was one of my favorites and it's also one I am giving away.
Favorite narrator: The one that comes to mind is Ron McLarty who read at least one, maybe more, of the David Baldacci books I have listened to.
How do you choose what to listen to versus read?:I listen to whatever I can get my hands on and pick my reading pretty much the same way! Can we say - indiscriminate?
If you like audiobooks, I am giving away some that I liked, here.
I *love* David Sedaris on audio.
I'm finding out that some of my favorite series books are fantastic on audio!
I'm adding Paint it Black in audio to my wish list!
I haven't read/listened to any Sedaris. Maybe I'll check him out on audio!
I have not read Engulfed in Flames yet, but it is on my list of "to-read" maybe I will listen to it on audiobook instead.
Interesting that so many of us have been listening for the last 18-24 months!
David Sedaris on audio is the best!! I love his books. We were lucky enough to hear him speak last year - what an experience!
I love listening to David Sedaris. Him reading is work, in person or on audio, is awesome.
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