My face to face book club decided to regroup and go back to the assigned book format versus the freewheeling read what you like version we had been doing. I hosted first and this is the book I chose and ,(whew!), it turned out great. I have loved the other Michelle Moran books I've read so I was feeling pretty confident that it would be interesting and entertaining and we had read another French Revolution book, Abundance, back in our old book club days and everyone liked that one.
Despite the fact that I read quite a bit of historical fiction, I always learn something new and this was no exception. It also never ceases to amaze me how dreadfully unclean everything was back then. Reading about the hangers on at the palace urinating in the halls and going such long periods without bathing leaves me feeling so grateful for the wonders of indoor plumbing. The details of the blood and gore of the French revolution were eye popping. We debated quite a bit about how close or far we are (depending on your opinion) from the people who carried the heads on pikes through the streets during the French revolution. We were pretty split with some ladies thinking that was beyond the pale in this day and age and others thinking they could imagine it happening easily with all the tension in the world today.
This works for the following challenges -

I really want to read this book. By the way, we lived in France in the 1990s and people urinated all over the place even then.
I've not read any by her...and I've been tempted by this from time to time...but I love french revolutionary historical fiction so I think I will add it to my every growing TBR list!!!
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