Mailbox Monday started by Marcia at
A Girl and Her Books is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week (checked out library books don’t count, eBooks & audio books do). This month Mailbox Monday is being hosted by Amused at
Amused by Books. Stop by there to check out everyone else's mailboxes.

From Goodreads:
One sparkling summer day, Jill Abramson brought home a nine-week-old golden retriever named Scout. Over the following year, as she and her husband raised their adorable new puppy, Abramson wrote a hugely popular column for The New York Times's website about the joys and challenges of training this rambunctious addition to their family. Dog-lovers from across the country inundated her with e-mails and letters, and the photos they sent in of their own dogs became the most visited photo album on the Times's site in 2009. Now Abramson has gone far beyond the material in her column and written a detailed and deeply personal account of Scout's first year. This one came from the Library Thing Early Reviewers program. Looks cute, I do love dogs and hers looks very sweet.

From Goodreads:
Quinn Cummings is perhaps best known as the Oscar-nominated actress who played Marsha Mason's daughter in The Goodbye Girl and, somewhat less visibly, as the creator of the HipHugger, a sling-like device for carrying a baby. With the publication of this book, it is possible that Cummings will be remembered too for her unique insights and observations. For example: "I live in Los Angeles where it is now socially acceptable to carry a Starbucks cup anywhere, including a funeral." "Nearly everything I knit quickly develops an uncanny resemblance to a double helix. The only things which don't resemble a double helix are the potholders I knit. They resemble tumors." A delightfully undomesticated, unforgettable first book. This was just an impulse buy - the front cover caught my eye and the back cover read as something I would enjoy.
1 comment:
The puppy on that cover is adorable!
I'm sorry you weren't able to get into SIBA - I was hoping we'd get to hang out some. :(
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