Serena was my local book club's pick for April. I loved it but not every one did. Of the eleven of us, three didn't finish it because they did not like it but everyone else enjoyed it. I guess that makes it one of those books that you either jump into and love or you can't get into at all. I thought it was like rolling down a hill - a jarring start with a murder within the first few pages and then it gains momentum and you just get into a whirlwind that at the end leaves you shaking your head thinking, "Wow, how did that happen!" and trying to decide if it was fun or not.
The tug of war between environmentalists trying to preserve the land through the creation of a national park and the developers wanting to make use of the resources in a way that brings in business and industry was fascinating. It's a conflict still unfolding worldwide but for me very close to home here in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. I may not know the perfect balance but I could envision the wilderness Ron Rash described being felled by clear cutting for timber and knew that wasn't it! He created more than one villain in this book and it made for interesting layers to be discussed.
Ron Rash has a new book out - that will go on my mental wish list. He's doing an author event in South Carolina but it's all the way across the state almost as far away from where I am as you can get! So I will have to live vicariously through my upstate friend, Kathy over at Bermudaonion's Weblog.

Serena is being made into a movie. I bought it at Rash's last event here and haven't read it yet. You should come and go to his next event with me - I already have my ticket.
I thought about suggesting this for our book club...was it the content they didn't like? Overly graphic? Or just the story line...I'd be curious. Our main librarian has this on our staff shelf and he LOVED it.
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