Listen for the Whisperer by Phyllis Whitney. Classic Phyllis Whitney mystery - creepy and full of red herrings, ending with the dramatic confrontation! Phyllis Whitney was one that I started with straight out of grammar school and I will always love her books!

Shopaholic Ties the Knot by Sophie Kinsella. I am not a huge Shopaholic fan. The first one made me laugh out loud but then the sequel got tiresome. I took a long break and just now picked this one back up and it seemed better - I think absence made my heart go fonder!

Mrs. Pollifax Unveiled and Mrs. Pollifax on Safari by Dorothy Gillman - These cozy mysteries are quick reads and always interesting enough to hold my attention for an afternoon. Mrs. Pollifax is like the Ladies Detective Agency lady of the 1970's.
Okay - these last few deserve their own posts because I loved them...but just in case it never happens...here they are -

Never Change by Elizabeth Berg - I've read a few Elizabeth Berg's and they have not thrilled me. I kept thinking, 'Why do I keep picking these up when they aren't thrilling me?" Then this one did. I loved these characters. It was a very satisfying read. So I guess I'll plow through a few more of her books hoping for another gem.

These all count for the challenges...

I love memoirs too! I'll have to look for Mennonite in a Little Black Dress. I hope you're doing well.
I really like memoirs too - I have Mennonite in a Little Black Dress on my shelf so I am glad to hear it is good.
I am reading Mini-Shopaholic now and am liking it for a light read - Becky is up to her old antics but it does entertain me!
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