I wish I had some great secret reservoir of audiobook resources but I am kind of dull here. I check them out of the library and I buy them at used book shops or thrift stores. I haven't gotten tech-savvy enough to figure out the online resources I hear about like audible.com. Don't have much incentive to master them though because I don't have an iPod, so I am limited to CD's in the car. I could borrow one from one of my three children who all have iPods or I'm also sure it would somehow work on my iPad but it's all just too much. I'm Scarlett on this one...I'll figure it out tomorrow. (I know it is possible to listen to audiobooks from my Blackberry but haven't conquered that yet either.) Writing this post makes me feel like I have turned into my mother!
It made me giggle that Jen told me she tweeted about the giveaway yesterday (still going on if you want to enter), who would have ever thought the least tech savvy person in the universe would be tweeted about?
Have you tried downloading from your library through Overdrive.com? You can listen through their app on your computer or iPad, and if you have iTunes on your computer, some allow you to burn a CD so you can listen in the car. Even though you don't have an iPod, this would be worth looking into if your library offers it.
I'm pretty sure you can burn them to CDs once you download audiobooks from audible.
I only use the library also and just listen while in the car. I am going to make it my mission to try to download some from the library to my ipod this summer - I hope it's easy to do!
My resources post can be found here.
Ditto on what Kim and Kathy said. I've burned CDs to take in the car when my kids hi-jacked my thingy to listen to the iPod in the car.
I'm not that tech savvy either when it comes to audiobooks! I get them from the library or audible. Hey whatever works!
I use audible.com and burn my 'car books' to CD - it's not very hard to do, but I did have my daughter help me the first time!
It would be really easy to download books from Overdrive or Audible on your ipad, you wouldn't even have to transfer from the computer like with an ipod, I bet your kids could show you!
I don't ever listen to audiobooks, so I don't have any info on this. However, I'm glad to have found your blog. Just wanted to say that :)
I get all my audiobooks from the library. I just browse around and see what's available.
I have never listened to an audio book. I don't think I could concentrate on it.
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